Friday, October 7, 2011
Hey guys...tak sangka sekarang naz officially sudah menjadi seorang blogger..aha...! (excited lagi..enuff)...Pasni balik je kerja lain tak bukan terus mngadap laptop godek2 apa yg best dalam dunia blogging ni. Berbekalkan internet Unifi yang laju teramat so gunakan la sepenuhnya peluang yang sedia ada untuk Berblogging...(Memandangkan naz masih baru , maka perkataan 'blog' tu akan berulangkali la jawabnya ;) ).. Tapi tak salah pun kalau nk excited lebih sebenarnya bcoz for me feeling excited tu la yang motivate kita untuk perform well in everything we do and what we want to achieve...am i right???? Hopefully naz akan berusaha lebih dalam memantapkan lagi isi-isi dalam blog ni untuk tatapan anda semua...Love you guys ♥~
Oklah taknak mengomel panjang, list kan je suda... Check out my top reasons why I started this new precious blog....There you go!
1) Sharing is caring
Blogging is a good way for me to express my feeling and thoughts. It feels really good to have your feeling sharing by others and asking other peoples opinion. I got new knowledge everyday through blogging and blogwalking. Besides, it feels excited too to play around with the blog features and get new ideas for posting. (Did I just say that again???). In the future there will be a lots of tips and tutorials that I found it useful to be shared to be put here in my precious naz.dearie blog ( tak sabar rasanya)
2) Selling things
Well yeah..i'm going to sell things too. But I am not dedicated to a special product but i'll be selling anything that related to my daily life. For example, maybe like i love this product, so much that it makes me to share it to everyone and sell it if demanded. Plus, there's a lot of my preloved item in my closet yang tak sabar-sabar nak jumpa tuan baru *isk3*
3) Build my confidence and skills
Frankly speaking, i am totally sucks at writing...Nak buat satu ayat tu beribu kali kene pikir nak sedapkan bunyi (erk..).. In other words, naz memang tak pandai mengayat! I would say bloggin ni sebagai medium untuk naz improve myself in writing and communication skills, and to build my confidence as well. It just that I started thinking to improve myself when I start working with Telekom Malaysia which requires me to meeting people from high end company. Confidence and communication skills are the key factor and blogging definitely is a good start for me to practically improves myself.
4) Meet new friends
Yeah..YOU...I can't wait to meet you guys. So please please please do support me yang masih baby ni and jangan lupa FOLLOW my blog, subscribe and leave feedback. Your kind and supportive feedback is very very much appreciated.
5) My passion
You may really want to know what I am passionate about and what I actually living for. So here you may find all about myself, what I like the most, my opinion on something and the fact that I am a beauty addict! Hell yeah...I have a little obsessed with makeup and fashion but it isn't bad as you guys think. You may find a lot of information here on beauty tips and tutorials, makeup tricks, and may include some reviews. And one more thing, naz adalah hantu makan. So you are welcome to share tempat-tempat makan yg best and unik yang naz bole try. Thanks y'all..Nanti boleh lepak same2 makan ye (yum yum)
6) Saya bosan!
Yes I am bored...Memandangkan naz kerja 9-5, meeting sana sini balik-balik umah sewa ada laptop atas katil and bantal yang mintak kene hempap...(Basically that's my life after work) I hate it when I'm home alone doing nothing. Then I started thinking "Why don't I blog?"...Benefits pun banyak.. Plus, I will be able to earn extra $$$$... Apa guna pakai Unifi kalau tidak gunakan sepenuhnya. Yes, Unifi memang tersangat la laju and i made use of it so that is why i started blogging. Unifi pun contribute juga tau! Tak tau betapa banyak nye jasa Unifi padaku yang banyak menjumatkan masa dan tenaga yang banyak dah terpakai waktu siang nye. Thanks UNIFI ROCKS!
P/S - Di sini naz ingin memohon maaf terlebih dahulu sekiranya naz sudah or akan terkasar bahasa, silap ayat ke or apa-apa saja yang tak kene. Also, i would like tothank my loved one for the supports (tunggu blog dea plak coming soon). and also thank to all those people who have read and followed my post. Please continue to support and follow my writings. Thanks a bunch.
A loads of love,
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